Summer Taster Gourmet Thursday 13th June 2024 fully booked

Due to a cancellation we have one table remaining...

Basking in the indulgent warmth of this season, we are celebrating all that summer has to offer with a 10-course taster gourmet menu. If the weather is kind, our evening will begin with an arrival drink in the garden followed by four glasses of matched tasting wine to suit. A non-alcoholic option is available at a reduced price, please let us know when booking.
The evening begins at 7-7.15pm for all. A £25.00 deposit is payable upon booking. Please call the restaurant on 01424 751137 to book. 


Pimms and Canapés

Chilled Pea Soup with Crab Fritter

Charred Mackerel with Cantaloupe Melon and Lime

Smoked Duck Breast with Apricot Chutney, Broad Beans

Lobster, Orange and Basil Risotto

Grilled Seabass with Pea Puree and Sea Herbs, Shellfish Sauce

Watermelon Sorbet

Wood Pigeon Breast with Puy Lentils, Lardon and Garlic Confit

Roast Rump of Lamb with Ratatouille Lemon Rosemary Jus

Minted Strawberry Carpaccio and Sorbet

Chocolate Delice with Cherry Textures

Coffee and Sweet Meats
Ticket Price:
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Summer Taster Gourmet Thursday 13th June 2024 fully booked
Thursday 13th June 2024
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